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1.0 (May 6, 2002)

Class loading has been improved.
First of all, ClassBrowser can now load a class even if the package directory hierarchy (or the class file itslef if it does not belong to any package) is not in the current CLASSPATH.
Moreover, when a class is not found, ClassBrowser now asks the user for a directory or a jar file where to look in for the missing class, or for the class file itself.
Some minor bugs have been fixed on both the source code and the build.xml file.
A new task, bak.ext, has been added to build.xml.

0.3 (April 30, 2002)

A great effort has been made to enhance "the user experience".
First of all, I have definitely choosen Ant to build and package ClassBrowser and removed the scripts included in the 0.2.1 version. This tool will ease not only the use but the test, developement and growth of ClassBrowser.
I have also added this pages to the source edition of ClassBrowser. These pages are the "official documentation".

0.2.1 (August 24, 2001)

I have added a couple of scripts to build the sources and put the .properties files in the right place.

0.2 (August 23, 2001)

I have solved a minor bug in the use of the hash tables.
I have also changed the JTextArea text area by a JTextPane one in order to offer a better view of the information. Different fonts and sizes are now used.

0.1 (August 10, 2001)

First release of ClassBrowser.

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